Wellness Center 4 Drug AddictS

Unusual Soldiers is in the business of launching ministries in dark, dangerous, and difficult places. We love meeting those that are ready to take a very narrow path. One of our international partners, Miracle Girl, has a dream of taking her ministry to the next level. She has been working with kids in Honduras for a number of years and has seen a large number of children suffering from abuse, trauma, and drug addiction.  The churches in the area have given spiritual advice, but she wants to create a place where she can professionally meet their spiritual, emotional, and physical needs.   Miracle girl has a proven track record and there is nothing like this in her area, therefore, we are sending her to get a college education that will give her the foundation of education that she needs to start this ministry/wellness center in Copan, Honduras. 

College Cost: $2,500/year (2.5 Years left)
Christian Wellness Center Cost: TBA in 2026?

Unusual Soldiers

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”

~ Anais Nin


“Untouchables” (No More)


The Horn