The Resistant GX Tribe

Region: Asia
Mission: Pioneer hope into a new region

A band of global Unusual Soldiers will be venturing across one of the most remote countries of the world to befriend a community of people we’ll call the GX people group. This is a pioneering mission and it is the desire of this team to serve this community in a loving and respectful way. These funds will be primarily used to mobilize the global soldiers to start the beginning efforts of planting a church in the area. Below are details from their leader: Slingshot.

GX People Group.

The GX are middle caste people, they practice folk religion, but in this closed nation they are one of the least reached people groups. In the region of interest there are more than 5,000 GX people and it is the the most populated GX people region in the nation. In the 1990s they were hostile towards Christianity, and persecuted many missionaries and even excommunicated some by their own relatives who had come to know the Lord. Many have been praying for this people group ever since. And the Lord is now opening their hearts towards Jesus these days. Slingshot, the pioneer of this endeavor, thinks the fullness of time has come to approach them with hope. With much prayers and a burden he has chosen this difficult village to attempt to plant a new Church.

Who will help me to Plant it?

Slingshot, has three churches that will be unitedly praying for this venture and a team of Elders and Pastors who will join together in this project of planting a new church. God has also given them a good number of praying men and women that will be praying for this project.

“Prayer is the thing that can see this idea through. The church is not ours, instead it is God’s. The culture of prayer and God dependence that is relied on in the beginning will subsequently be in the DNA of the church thereafter. The more people you have involved in praying for the church and its leaders results in more people who are invested in the church.”

How this church be planted?

A multiple step strategy has been organized and submitted to Unusual Soldiers starting with Slingshot moving to this region in the month of January and start pioneering work there.

Prayer Points:

1. ***** is the first person along with his daughters with whom they have shared the gospel of hope. Pray that the Holy Spirit may keep on reminding them about the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Pray they will be the family of peace to bless other GX people in their village.

2. Pray that the power of the incredible news of Jesus may bring hope to the many broken GX people group. 

3. Pray that God may raise GX believers with the burden to reach their own people group with hope.

4. Pray for another nearby village that is completely unreached with the gospel. Majority of villagers are also from the GX people group. The team is planning to survey this village in the near future.

Unusual Soldiers

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”

~ Anais Nin


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